netdecking with the stars
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48 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Breach Josh Lindy Modern ReCQ @ Card Titan (Pittsburgh, PA) 5-8 22/11/24
Mardu Midrange Josh L Highlander 7ph - CanBrawl 4 @ Jolt Games (Canberra, Australia) 3-4 05/10/24
Blue Moon Josh L Highlander Australin-Highlander Canbrawl3 @ Jolt Games (Mitchell, Australia) 5-8 23/03/24
Modern Ad Nauseum Josh Lo Modern Orcish Bow Masters Wars @ Hobbyist United (Muntinlupa, Philippines) 5-8 03/02/24
Cascade Crash Josh Lindy Modern Saturday $10k RCQ @ SCG CON Hartford 33-64 03/02/24
Devotion to Green Josh Lindy Pioneer ReCQ @ SCG CON Columbus 2 03/09/23
Breach Josh Lindy Modern ReCQ @ SCG CON Baltimore 9-16 16/06/23
Mono Black Control Josh Lopez Pioneer RCQ @ Illusive Comics & Games (Santa Clara, CA) 5-8 28/01/23
Belcher Josh Lo Modern Turbo Charged 50k @ Mox and Lotus (Philippines) 3-4 21/01/23
Tana + Malcolm Josh L. cEDH 4k - Punt City @ Eminence Gaming (Pheonixville, PA) 8 27/08/22
UWx Control Josh Lalo Legacy SCG CON Pittsburgh - $5K (Friday) @ Star City Games 9-16 29/04/22
Landless Belcher Josh Lo Modern Open @ Regran toys and Hobbies (Philippines) 2 02/04/22
4c Yorion Control Josh Lalo Legacy $1K @ The Bearded Dragon (Bernardsville, NJ) 5-8 27/11/21
Belcher Josh Lo Modern Kick Engines Discord @ Philippines 5-8 28/03/21
Belcher Josh Lo Modern Kick Engines @ Discord 2 20/03/21
Neo-brand Combo Josh Lo Modern Rapido Tournament @ Mage-Ring Cards and Hobbies (Philippines) 5-8 06/02/21
Neobrand Josh Leander Lo Modern Event @ Arcane Arena (Philippines) 3-4 19/12/20
Neo-brand Combo Josh Lo Modern Rapido Tournament @ Mage-Ring Cards and Hobbies (Philippines) 1 12/12/20
Orzhov Midrange Josh Lopez Pioneer 1K @ ChannelFireball Game Center 3-4 24/02/20
Amulet Titan Josh Lo Modern Mythic Event @ Roll Play Game Lounge (Mandaluyong, Philippines) 3-4 20/10/19
Jeskai Fish Josh Lalo Vintage Vintage Champs Trial @ Alternate Worlds (Hunt Valley, MD) 1 24/08/19
Ad Nauseam Josh Lo Modern Modern Majors @ Regran Toys and Collectibles 2 28/07/19
Ad Nauseam Josh Leander Lo Modern Modern Minors @ Regran Toys and Collectibles 5-8 23/06/19
Ad Naus Josh Lo Modern Block101 Modern Champs 2 08/06/19
Ad Nauseam Josh Lo Modern ROS: Modern Majors @ Regran Toys and Collectibles 2 14/04/19
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