netdecking with the stars
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211 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
UW Control DannyS4 Modern MTGO League 3 02/03/25
Doomsday Danny Brennan Legacy Rumble - Dice City @ Dice City Games (?, ?) 2 23/02/25
Shorikai, Genesis Engine Danny Eddins cEDH cEDH - SK Games @ Lubbock (TX) 3-4 22/02/25
Esper Control DannyTigrai Modern MTGO Challenge 64 15 04/02/25
Golgari Midrange Danny Standard RCQ @ Good Games (Chatswood, Australia) 5-8 19/01/25
Boros Synthesizer dannyground Pauper MTGO League 1 13/12/24
Boros Synthesizer dannyground Pauper MTGO League 7 11/12/24
Ub Reanimator Danny Batterman Legacy $20/25 entry Staples @ Knight Ware Inc. (Studio City, CA) 3-4 08/12/24
Magda, Brazen Outlaw Danny Vasquez cEDH Anti-cEDH cEDH Club Fire and Ice 1 23/11/24
Big Gruul Danny Kekedy Standard ReCQ @ SCG CON Columbus 3-4 16/11/24
Ub Reanimator Danny Batterman Legacy $15 entry store credit @ Knight Ware Inc. (Studio City, CA) 8 10/11/24
Enigmatic Incarnation Danny Seet Pioneer MTG SEA Championship Final @ Oracle Events (Singapore) 5-8 12/10/24
Mardu Greasefang DannyStarchild Pioneer MTGO League 7 12/10/24
Dimir Tempo Danny Lai Legacy Event @ Mithril Grand Centre (Lai Chi Kok, Hong Kong) 2 09/10/24
Dimir Kaito Rogues Danny Schröder Pioneer Pioneer in the Clouds 4 @ Cloudcardgrading (Neumünster, Germany) 1 05/10/24
Creativity Danny Kekedy Modern ReCQ @ SCG CON Washington DC 5-8 05/10/24
Creativity Danny Kekedy Pioneer LCQ #10 @ SCG CON Washington DC 9-16 04/10/24
Death & Death & Taxes Danny Johnson Legacy The Legacy Showdown - North Star cEDH @ Waite Park (MN) 5-8 28/09/24
Ub Reanimator Danny Batterman Legacy $10.00 Entry Store Credit @ Knight Ware Inc. (Studio City, CA) 3-4 08/09/24
Reanimator dannyground Legacy MTGO League 6 05/09/24
Boros Convoke DannyStarchild Standard MTGO Challenge 32 1 31/08/24
Boros Aggro DannyStarchild Pioneer MTGO League 8 27/08/24
Ub Rescam Danny Batterman Legacy $20/25 entry Staples @ Knight Ware Inc. (Studio City, CA) 3-4 11/08/24
Doomsday DannyMcBride Vintage MTGO League 1 03/08/24
Gruul Aggro DannyStarchild Modern MTGO Challenge 64 14 21/07/24
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