4 Temple Garden 1 Sunpetal Grove 1 Vault of the Archangel 4 Isolated Chapel 1 Gavony Township 4 Woodland Cemetery 1 Swamp 1 Forest 2 Sorin, Lord of Innistrad 4 Liliana of the Veil 2 Garruk Relentless 1 Underworld Connections 1 Ground Seal 4 Farseek 4 Lingering Souls 3 Terminus 2 Putrefy 2 Abrupt Decay 2 Selesnya Charm 1 Obzedat, Ghost Council 2 Blood Baron of Vizkopa 2 Sin Collector 3 Thragtusk 4 Godless Shrine 4 Overgrown Tomb Sideboard 1 Terminus 1 Ground Assault 3 Appetite for Brains 1 Vraska the Unseen 1 Garruk, Primal Hunter 2 Dead Weight 2 Angel of Serenity 2 Voice of Resurgence 1 Oblivion Ring 1 Deadbridge Chant