// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Rakdos Reanimator // CREATOR : Adam_Granberg // FORMAT : Modern 1 [9E] Blood Moon 2 [] Molten Collapse 3 [] Fable of the Mirror-Breaker 4 [] Persist 4 [AER] Fatal Push 4 [DKA] Faithless Looting 4 [] Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord 4 [THS] Thoughtseize 1 [] Troll of Khazad-dûm 1 [] Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger 2 [] Boggart Trawler 4 [] Bloodtithe Harvester 4 [] Archon of Cruelty 4 [] Vein Ripper 1 [] Raucous Theater 1 [M14] Mutavault 2 [] Blood Crypt 2 [] Swamp 4 [ZEN] Marsh Flats 4 [KTK] Bloodstained Mire 4 [] Blackcleave Cliffs SB: 2 [CHK] Through the Breach SB: 1 [DS] Serum Powder SB: 2 [] Pyroclasm SB: 1 [] Massacre Wurm SB: 4 [] Leyline of the Void SB: 2 [] Break the Ice SB: 2 [] Hidetsugu Consumes All SB: 1 [9E] Blood Moon