// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Red Deck Wins // CREATOR : Mizuta_Yoshinori // FORMAT : Pioneer 4 [] Fanatical Firebrand 4 [GTC] Legion Loyalist 4 [OGW] Reckless Bushwhacker 4 [] Conspicuous Snoop 4 [] Fireblade Charger 4 [] Battle Cry Goblin 4 [] Rundvelt Hordemaster 4 [] Cacophony Scamp 4 [] Searslicer Goblin 4 [] Painter's Studio / Defaced Gallery 14 [] Mountain 1 [M14] Mutavault 1 [] Castle Embereth 2 [] Den of the Bugbear 1 [] Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance 1 [] Three Tree City SB: 2 [] Goblin Chainwhirler SB: 2 [BFZ] Outnumber SB: 1 [] Pyroclasm SB: 3 [] Soul-Guide Lantern SB: 3 [] Roiling Vortex SB: 4 [] Torch the Tower