// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Mono Red Control // CREATOR : Tachikawa_Kodai // FORMAT : Modern 4 [] Mishra's Research Desk 4 [M11] Lightning Bolt 4 [] Unholy Heat 4 [ROE] Flame Slash 4 [] Storm's Wrath 4 [] Cleansing Wildfire 4 [DIS] Seal of Fire 4 [ALA] Relic of Progenitus 4 [] Seasoned Pyromancer 4 [] Field of Ruin 4 [] Blast Zone 4 [] Demolition Field 4 [] Mirrex 8 [] Mountain SB: 3 [] Krenko's Buzzcrusher SB: 4 [] Geomancer's Gambit SB: 2 [NPH] Surgical Extraction SB: 3 [US] Meltdown SB: 3 [] Damping Sphere