// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Mono Blue Control // CREATOR : Michael_Bonde // FORMAT : Standard 4 [] Frost Augur 4 [] Brazen Borrower 4 [] Faceless Haven 22 [IA] Snow-Covered Island 2 [ZEN] Into the Roil 2 [] Graven Lore 4 [] Behold the Multiverse 4 [] Saw It Coming 4 [] Alrund's Epiphany 4 [] Shark Typhoon 4 [] Ascendant Spirit 2 [M10] Essence Scatter SB: 2 [] Graven Lore SB: 3 [] Mystical Dispute SB: 2 [MOR] Negate SB: 2 [] Glimpse of Freedom SB: 1 [KTK] Disdainful Stroke SB: 1 [] Thryx, the Sudden Storm SB: 4 [] Mystic Subdual