// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Jeskai Cycling Aggro // CREATOR : Valerio_Mariani // FORMAT : Standard 2 [] Shredded Sails 2 [] Shatterskull Smashing 3 [] Frostveil Ambush 3 [] Boon of the Wish-Giver 4 [] Startling Development 4 [] Zenith Flare 4 [] Go for Blood 4 [] Footfall Crater 4 [] Drannith Healer 4 [] Drannith Stinger 4 [] Flourishing Fox 4 [] Valiant Rescuer 1 [] Crawling Barrens 1 [] Island 1 [] Mountain 2 [] Fabled Passage 4 [] Riverglide Pathway 4 [] Needleverge Pathway 5 [] Plains SB: 4 [] Improbable Alliance SB: 3 [] Revoke Existence SB: 3 [] Mystical Dispute SB: 2 [] Glass Casket SB: 1 [] Tormod's Crypt SB: 1 [] Lurrus of the Dream-Den SB: 1 [] Shredded Sails