// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Simic Flash // CREATOR : Kevin_Gondowijoyo // FORMAT : Standard 4 [] Temple of Mystery 2 [] Fabled Passage 2 [] Castle Vantress 7 [] Forest 7 [] Island 4 [] Breeding Pool 2 [] Mystical Dispute 2 [] Aether Gust 2 [] Negate 4 [] Nightpack Ambusher 4 [] Growth Spiral 4 [] Frilled Mystic 4 [] Nissa, Who Shakes the World 2 [] Hydroid Krasis 3 [] Sinister Sabotage 3 [] Quench 2 [] Paradise Druid 2 [] Brazen Borrower SB: 1 [] Questing Beast SB: 4 [] Lovestruck Beast SB: 3 [] Threnody Singer SB: 1 [] Commence the Endgame SB: 1 [] Whirlwind Denial SB: 2 [] Oakhame Adversary SB: 2 [] Mystical Dispute SB: 1 [] Negate