// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : UB Control // CREATOR : Callofcthulhu // FORMAT : Standard 1 [] Blast Zone 2 [] Chemister's Insight 2 [] Commence the Endgame 3 [] Davriel, Rogue Shadowmage 2 [] Dreadhorde Invasion 4 [XLN] Drowned Catacomb 1 [] Enter the God-Eternals 3 [] God-Eternal Kefnet 7 [] Island 4 [PR] Liliana's Triumph 4 [] Liliana, Dreadhorde General 1 [] Memorial to Genius 2 [] Narset's Reversal 1 [XLN] Search for Azcanta 4 [] Sinister Sabotage 6 [] Swamp 2 [] The Eldest Reborn 4 [] Thought Erasure 2 [] Tyrant's Scorn 2 [XLN] Vraska's Contempt 4 [] Watery Grave SB: 1 [] Cry of the Carnarium SB: 2 [] Duress SB: 1 [] Finale of Eternity SB: 1 [] Phyrexian Scriptures SB: 1 [] Ritual of Soot SB: 3 [] The Elderspell SB: 4 [] Thief of Sanity SB: 2 [] Unmoored Ego