// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Izzet Phoenix // CREATOR : Ian_Mark_Gutierrez // FORMAT : Modern 4 [DKA] Thought Scour 4 [SOI] Thing in the Ice 2 [NPH] Surgical Extraction 1 [] Sulfur Falls 2 [] Steam Vents 4 [KLD] Spirebluff Canal 1 [ISD] Snapcaster Mage 1 [KTK] Set Adrift 4 [FD] Serum Visions 4 [ZEN] Scalding Tarn 3 [ZEN] Pyromancer Ascension 4 [] Arclight Phoenix 1 [] Crackling Drake 4 [DKA] Faithless Looting 2 [KTK] Flooded Strand 3 [] Island 2 [SOI] Lightning Axe 4 [M11] Lightning Bolt 4 [SHM] Manamorphose 2 [] Mountain 4 [] Opt SB: 2 [XLN] Spell Pierce SB: 1 [WWK] Jace, the Mind Sculptor SB: 1 [BFZ] Dispel SB: 1 [KLD] Chandra, Torch of Defiance SB: 3 [9E] Blood Moon SB: 2 [] Beacon Bolt SB: 2 [THS] Anger of the Gods SB: 2 [HOU] Abrade SB: 1 [NPH] Surgical Extraction