// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Boros Aggro // CREATOR : Matsukasa10 // FORMAT : Standard 4 [XLN] Adanto Vanguard 4 [] Benalish Marshal 4 [] Dauntless Bodyguard 4 [] Skymarcher Aspirant 4 [] Tithe Taker 4 [XLN] Tocatli Honor Guard 4 [] Heroic Reinforcements 4 [] Unbreakable Formation 4 [] History of Benalia 4 [XLN] Legion's Landing 4 [ISD] Clifftop Retreat 1 [A] Mountain 11 [A] Plains 4 [RAV] Sacred Foundry SB: 1 [A] Mountain SB: 1 [CFX] Banefire SB: 3 [] Conclave Tribunal SB: 3 [ON] Demystify SB: 4 [] Dire Fleet Daredevil SB: 3 [] Experimental Frenzy