// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Jeskai Control // CREATOR : _VFS_ // FORMAT : Standard 4 [ISD] Sulfur Falls 4 [GP] Steam Vents 4 [RAV] Sacred Foundry 5 [A] Island 2 [] Seal Away 4 [ISD] Clifftop Retreat 4 [M10] Glacial Fortress 3 [OD] Syncopate 2 [ZEN] Spell Pierce 4 [] Sinister Sabotage 3 [XLN] Settle the Wreckage 3 [IN] Opt 2 [MOR] Negate 3 [M10] Essence Scatter 4 [] Chemister's Insight 3 [] Deafening Clarion 2 [] Niv-Mizzet, Parun 4 [] Teferi, Hero of Dominaria SB: 3 [XLN] Sailor of Means SB: 2 [] Lyra Dawnbringer SB: 2 [] Justice Strike SB: 3 [] Invoke the Divine SB: 2 [] Crackling Drake SB: 1 [ZEN] Spell Pierce SB: 2 [MOR] Negate