// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Grixis Control // CREATOR : ride_thebus // FORMAT : Standard 4 [RAV] Watery Grave 3 [A] Swamp 3 [ISD] Sulfur Falls 3 [GP] Steam Vents 1 [A] Mountain 3 [A] Island 4 [M10] Drowned Catacomb 4 [M10] Dragonskull Summit 3 [] The Eldest Reborn 2 [] Disinformation Campaign 3 [ISD] Dead Weight 2 [XLN] Vraska's Contempt 2 [] Sinister Sabotage 1 [MOR] Negate 4 [] Discovery / Dispersal 2 [] Cast Down 4 [] Thought Erasure 2 [] Ritual of Soot 3 [] Lava Coil 2 [] Niv-Mizzet, Parun 4 [] Nicol Bolas, the Ravager 1 [] Ral, Izzet Viceroy SB: 1 [XLN] Treasure Map SB: 1 [] Thief of Sanity SB: 2 [] Fight with Fire SB: 1 [XLN] Fiery Cannonade SB: 2 [US] Duress SB: 2 [KTK] Disdainful Stroke SB: 1 [] Blood Operative SB: 1 [XLN] Vraska's Contempt SB: 2 [MOR] Negate SB: 1 [] Ritual of Soot SB: 1 [] Lava Coil