// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Mono Black Aggro // CREATOR : Elm1n // FORMAT : Standard 1 [HOU] Ammit Eternal 2 [AER] Heart of Kiran 4 [HOU] Ifnir Deadlands 16 [A] Swamp 1 [AER] Aethersphere Harvester 4 [AKH] Supernatural Stamina 1 [XLN] Skulduggery 4 [AER] Fatal Push 2 [XLN] Walk the Plank 4 [XLN] Vicious Conquistador 4 [KLD] Scrapheap Scrounger 2 [XLN] Ruin Raider 4 [KLD] Night Market Lookout 2 [AER] Glint-Sleeve Siphoner 4 [AKH] Dread Wanderer 4 [AKH] Bone Picker 1 [AKH] Bontu the Glorified SB: 4 [XLN] Kitesail Freebooter SB: 2 [KLD] Harsh Scrutiny SB: 4 [AER] Gifted Aetherborn SB: 4 [US] Duress SB: 1 [AER] Aethersphere Harvester