// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Gruul Energy // CREATOR : rubberneck777 // FORMAT : Standard 3 [AKH] Sheltered Thicket 3 [A] Mountain 4 [SOI] Game Trail 6 [A] Forest 4 [KLD] Aether Hub 4 [AER] Invigorated Rampage 4 [KLD] Harnessed Lightning 4 [KLD] Bristling Hydra 4 [KLD] Electrostatic Pummeler 4 [KLD] Longtusk Cub 2 [AKH] Rhonas the Indomitable 4 [KLD] Servant of the Conduit 4 [KLD] Voltaic Brawler 4 [KLD] Attune with Aether 2 [KLD] Larger Than Life 4 [KLD] Blossoming Defense SB: 3 [AKH] Sweltering Suns SB: 1 [KLD] Skysovereign, Consul Flagship SB: 2 [AER] Heroic Intervention SB: 3 [AER] Greenbelt Rampager SB: 2 [AKH] Glorybringer SB: 2 [KLD] Chandra, Torch of Defiance SB: 2 [HOU] Abrade