// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Orzhov Control // CREATOR : Zxrogue // FORMAT : Standard 2 [SOI] Westvale Abbey 5 [A] Swamp 3 [BFZ] Shambling Vent 7 [A] Plains 4 [ROE] Evolving Wilds 4 [KLD] Concealed Courtyard 4 [AER] Hidden Stockpile 4 [AKH] Anointed Procession 2 [SOM] Grasp of Darkness 3 [AER] Fatal Push 4 [KLD] Fumigate 2 [SOI] Declaration in Stone 4 [SOI] Thraben Inspector 3 [AKH] Sacred Cat 4 [AKH] Anointer Priest 1 [AKH] Angel of Sanctions 4 [BFZ] Gideon, Ally of Zendikar SB: 2 [HOU] Gideon's Defeat SB: 4 [HOU] Dreamstealer SB: 2 [HOU] Crook of Condemnation SB: 1 [EMN] Blessed Alliance SB: 1 [SOI] Archangel Avacyn SB: 2 [SOI] Anguished Unmaking SB: 2 [SOI] Declaration in Stone SB: 1 [AKH] Angel of Sanctions