// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Red Deck Wins // CREATOR : tonysoprano0_ // FORMAT : Standard 3 [SH] Shock 4 [M13] Searing Spear 4 [M14] Young Pyromancer 1 [M14] Chandra, Pyromaster 3 [AVR] Pillar of Flame 4 [RTR] Rakdos Cackler 2 [DKA] Pyreheart Wolf 4 [GTC] Legion Loyalist 3 [DKA] Hellrider 3 [GTC] Firefist Striker 4 [M12] Chandra's Phoenix 4 [GTC] Burning-Tree Emissary 4 [MOR] Mutavault 17 [A] Mountain SB: 3 [M14] Burning Earth SB: 2 [ISD] Brimstone Volley SB: 1 [M14] Chandra, Pyromaster SB: 3 [M11] Volcanic Strength SB: 1 [ISD] Traitorous Blood SB: 2 [RTR] Mizzium Mortars SB: 2 [RTR] Electrickery SB: 1 [DKA] Hellrider