// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Golgari Control // CREATOR : Ofelia_ // FORMAT : Standard 1 [ISD] Garruk Relentless 1 [RAV] Putrefy 2 [ISD] Victim of Night 2 [IN] Cremate 3 [DKA] Tragic Slip 3 [TO] Mutilate 3 [ISD] Liliana of the Veil 3 [RTR] Abrupt Decay 4 [M10] Sign in Blood 2 [M13] Disciple of Bolas 4 [RTR] Desecration Demon 4 [M13] Thragtusk 4 [DKA] Geralf's Messenger 2 [RTR] Golgari Guildgate 4 [RAV] Overgrown Tomb 4 [ISD] Woodland Cemetery 14 [A] Swamp SB: 2 [RTR] Underworld Connections SB: 2 [RTR] Vraska the Unseen SB: 2 [RTR] Golgari Charm SB: 3 [US] Duress SB: 3 [AVR] Appetite for Brains SB: 2 [OD] Ground Seal SB: 1 [TO] Mutilate