// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : GR Aggro // CREATOR : Carl_Dillahay // FORMAT : Standard 8 [SHM] Mountain 4 [LRW] Tarfire 4 [10E] Karplusan Forest 4 [SHM] Fire-Lit Thicket 4 [10E] Incinerate 4 [PLC] Keldon Marauders 4 [10E] Mogg Fanatic 4 [PLC] Kavu Predator 4 [EVE] Figure of Destiny 4 [FUT] Tarmogoyf 4 [TSP] Rift Bolt 3 [FUT] Grove of the Burnwillows 3 [SHM] Flame Javelin 3 [MOR] Mutavault 3 [MOR] Shard Volley SB: 4 [FUT] Magus of the Moon SB: 3 [10E] Dragon's Claw SB: 3 [TSP] Krosan Grip SB: 3 [SHM] Firespout SB: 2 [EVE] Unwilling Recruit